Across America Map
Biking Adventures
- 1000 Mile Challenge
- Across America Trek
- Amsterdam – Paris Trek
- California Coast Trek
- Cape Cod Trek
- Connecticut – Rhode Island Trek
- D&R Canal Trek
- European Grand Tour
- Great Allegheny Passage Trek
- Green Ireland Trek
- Lake Ontario Trek
- Maine Coast Trek
- New England Shore Trek
- Niagara – Toronto Trek
- NYC – Montreal Trek
- Pacific Northwest Trek
- Pacific Redwoods Trek
Welcome to our most challenging trip!
Ride 3,800 miles across the U.S., through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and along the Great Lakes to Niagara Falls. Then, follow the Erie Canal bike route across NY state to the Hudson River for a short 150 miles into NYC, ending the trip at Coney Island. We’ll see misty Oregon beaches and the Rocky Mountains, thick forests and the wide-
Across America’s northern route lets our bikers enjoy their summer travel experience, compared to (much, much hotter) southern cross-
Trek Details
Portland, OR
New York, NY
CHALLENGING (Approximate Daily Mileage 60 - 85)
Trip Length
56 days
Trip Cost
Trip Dates
June 19 - August 13 / Grades 10 - 12+
June 26 - Aug. 20 / Grades 10 - 12+