Across America Trek

Welcome to our most challenging trip!

Ride 3,800 miles across the U.S., through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and along the Great Lakes to Niagara Falls. Then, follow the Erie Canal bike route across NY state to the Hudson River for a short 150 miles into NYC, ending the trip at Coney Island. We’ll see misty Oregon beaches and the Rocky Mountains, thick forests and the wide-open plains. We’ll camp, hike, and swim, stop in picturesque town squares and ride past some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers.

Across America’s northern route lets our bikers enjoy their summer travel experience, compared to (much, much hotter) southern cross-country routes. But don’t kid yourself – you will bike close to 100 miles, some days, so you’ll need to be in good shape. When you ride into Coney Island and get that last ice cream of the trip, though, you’ll have the accomplishment of a lifetime.

Trek Highlights
  • Visit Portland, OR, Minneapolis, MN, Chicago, IL,  Madison, WI, Niagara Falls, and NYC (and everything in between)
  • See gorgeous wilderness, friendly small towns, and major American cities
  • Bike 60 – 85 miles/day
  • Camp out and stay in hostels and hotels
Trek Details


Portland, OR


New York, NY


CHALLENGING (Approximate Daily Mileage 60 - 85)

Trip Length

56 days

Trip Cost


Trip Dates

June 19 - August 13 / Grades 10 - 12+

June 26 - Aug. 20 / Grades 10 - 12+