NYC - Montreal Map
Biking Adventures
- 1000 Mile Challenge
- Across America Trek
- Amsterdam – Paris Trek
- California Coast Trek
- Cape Cod Trek
- Connecticut – Rhode Island Trek
- D&R Canal Trek
- European Grand Tour
- Great Allegheny Passage Trek
- Green Ireland Trek
- Lake Ontario Trek
- Maine Coast Trek
- New England Shore Trek
- Niagara – Toronto Trek
- NYC – Montreal Trek
- Pacific Northwest Trek
- Pacific Redwoods Trek
Bike and swim your way from New York City to Montreal on this popular 16-
You’ll bike through French Canada to Montreal, where you’ll have three days to explore this lively, cosmopolitan city, visiting street markets, eating at great restaurants, and seeing stunning architecture. An overnight bus will take you back to New York City, bringing your trek full circle.
Trek Details
New York, NY
New York, NY
MODERATE (Approximate Daily Mileage 30 - 50)
Trip Length:
16 days
Trip Cost:
Trip Dates:
June 16 - July 1 / Grades 9 -12
June 23 - July 8 / Grades 9 -1
June 30- July 15 / Grades 9 - 12
July 21 - Aug. 5 / Grades 9 -12
Aug 1 - Aug. 16 / Grades 9 - 12