After a much needed sleep-in from our near 90-mile day yesterday, we slowly made our way out of comfy hostel beds and started our morning in Montreal. Chloe and Katie got us French pastries from a bakery while we slept in, which we ate in the hostel common room and planned our day.
We biked about 8 miles through Montreal, admiring the city’s extensive bike infrastructure. We landed at the Montreal Biodome where we spent several hours exploring the many biospheres inside the science museum and got to see monkeys, penguins, sturgeon and capybaras! Afterwards, we biked to a trendy part of the city known for great thrift shops, and we all thrifted for a while and then walked around exploring that part of the city.
We came back together to eat Thai food at a delicious restaurant, and then biked back to our hostel. After putting our bikes upstairs, we all went off on foot exploring the Old City of Montreal and checking out art markets, shops and cafes in the cozy dim-lit cobblestone neighborhood.
Tomorrow is our last day in Montreal before we bus back to NYC at night. We are excited to see more of this cool city and explore NYC soon enough!